Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It's not the sleep, it's the daydreams

I found a negative to sleep deprivation (aside from the obvious): Regrettably bad judgment calls brought on by constant lack of sleep. Also, difficulty determining space and time. Now, the judgments can be amusing, this is true, but I think people get annoyed when I almost walk into them, or when they can't tell if I'm heading left or right down the hall, and things like running up to a don't-walk signal because my mind's not at the intersection but sleepy and dreaming. Still, the daydreaming is nice and seems to make the day go by faster. Would I do better overall with more sleep? Or do the awake hours from a.m. to p.m. (or a.m. again) result in a more eventful life? What say you?
This reminds me of good advice me and my Brother formulated: before you make a decision or say anything rash, ask yourself, "am I tired, hungry, should I take a shower?" And tend to those first.

Hm. Good point. But I find that if I am focusing a lot of my attention on one area of my life (say, starting two new jobs in one week), this can affect my decision-making too. So how much of it is sleep-related and how much is just single-mindedness?
hmm. This is interesting. So, you find that your decision-making is greatly determined by what's on your mind at the time - and not just your physical state. That's why you're so smart! I think I got that right. I guess when I'm in relative routine, that's when I let the abstracts take over, and am not so concerned with focused practicality. It must be times of change that draw-up more clear single-mindedness.
hmm. This is interesting. So, you find that your decision-making is greatly determined by what's on your mind at the time - and not just your physical state. That's why you're so smart! I think I got that right. I guess when I'm in relative routine, that's when I let the abstracts take over, and am not so concerned with focused practicality. It must be times of change that draw-up more clear single-mindedness.
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